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All posts from Result 2013-2014 Group D RRC NCR Allahabad : North Central Railway

Name of the Organisation : Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway, RRC NCR Allahabad
Type of Announcement : Result
Designation : Group ā€˜Dā€™
Reference Number : Employment Notice No. 01/2013
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RRC Allahabad Group D Result

Written Exam Result of En. 01/2013 Exam held on 02.11.14, 09.11.14,16.11.14,23.11.14 and 30.11.14

Related : RRC Bhubaneswar PET Result Group-D :

Recruitment to posts in Pay Band -1 of 5,200-20,200/- with Grade Pay of 1,800/- Ref : Employment Notice No. 01/2013 dated: 27.08.2013

Examination Details

The result of Written Examination held on 02.11.14, 09.11.14, 16.11.14, 23.11.14 and 30.11.14 have been published. The result is uploaded in RRC’s website Based on the results, candidates have been called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) at DSA, Ground Allahabad from 10.03.15 to 14.03.15 for all candidates.

Call letters to the eligible candidates is being issued and will be uploaded on website. Date, Time will be indicated in that. Request for change of date or time or venue will NOT be accepted.

Result of persons with disability has also been uploaded on the website and document verification cum medical test has been fixed on 02.03.2015. Call letter for the same have been despatched. Further details may be viewed on website.

Although all precautions have been observed in preparation of results. RRC/Allahabad reserves the right for correction of errors and omissions of any.

Beware of Job -racketeers trying to deceive the candidates by false promises of Securing job in Railways either though influence or by use of unfair and unethical means. Railway Recruitment Cell has not appointed any agents or training agencies. All recruitments by Railway Recruitment Cell are purely MERIT BASED.

Criteria for Physical Efficiency Test

Male Candidates : Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minute and 15 seconds in one chance.
Female Candidates : Should be able to run for a distance of 400 metres in 3 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.

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  1. Anohar kumar paswan

    Sir Anohar kumar paswan mera mera sb kuch ho gya h sirf fingers no maich bota rha h sir roll no.1110062924 mai 2014 ka candidates hu sir avi tk koi job nhi hua h sir akwar jach kiya Jay sir mobile 9123491002 Date of birth h 10.9.1994

  2. sir mera employee 1.2013 rrc group d allahabad final selection me hand writing and thumb miss match dikha raha roll no.242092XXXX h please sir mera joining ho Jaye Mai married hu please sir

  3. 2110492946 ka result hai ya nahi

    1. Anohar kumar paswan

      sir bihar se hu Anohar Kumar Paswan roll 1110062924 2013 ka hu mera sb kuch ho gya h sir srif joining nhi hua h sir fingers no maich ke kar agr mai glt hu to physical nhi krwana chahiy uc bact hmko reject kr dete jb mai physical pass ho gya to bol rhe h ki fingers no maich h dekhiy sir avi tk koi job nhi hua h sir werojgar hu sir joining krwa dijiy sir

  4. My roll number is 4111200275581. I want to know my marks.

  5. My roll number is 2420912897 and my father name is Lal Chand Maurya. My documents are verification at Allahabad. Please confirm results.

  6. My roll number is 1310251046 & D.O. B is 16/03/1995.

  7. Jang Bahadur Patel

    I want to know the result of document verification. Please provide the result.

  8. Trilok Kumar Shukla

    My roll number is 521100473. Please provide my result.

  9. Rohit Kumar Gautam

    My roll number is 212319863. Please inform me if I am selected.

  10. My roll number is 2220688608. Contol number is 5124228. I wrote the exam on 9.11.2014. Kindly declare the result.

  11. Please provide my result. My roll number is 1410354804.

  12. My roll no. is 2120611791. Please tell my result.

  13. My roll number is 1110004799.
    Exam Date : 2.11.2014
    Please give my result.

  14. My father’s name is Om Prakash Sharma. I forgot my roll no. Please give my result.

  15. Prashant Kumar Singh

    My roll no is 2521134528.

  16. Roll No – 2420918613
    Exam Date – 23/11/2014
    Please Update Result.

  17. Roll No-2521109718
    Rrcald group D

  18. ROLL NO : 512110128505

  19. Please update my result .
    Roll no : 2210641074
    Control no : 57000806

  20. Avtar singh s/o Bira singh Vill.Batriana Teh.Bhawanigarh Distt.Sangrur (PB)
    Pan 148026
    Roll No 1110026452

    1. PROVISIONAL RESULT FOR SECOND DOCUMENT VERIFICATION CUM MEDICAL OF E.NO. 1/2013 is available in the official website. You need your roll number to get the result.

  21. Please send my roll number and control number
    Atul Kumar s/o ram Prakash Singh 14/12/1992

  22. Radhe shyam pradhan roll no-2220705422

  23. Roll no 1410339924

    1. Roll no-2220688608
      Control no -51242284
      Please give me result

  24. Indian railway group d mechanical post Allahabad 2014 dated 02/ 09/ 2014

  25. chandrashekhar yadav

    Roll no 2420953306 control no 52060073


  27. Roll-1310195430

  28. Roll no 1510426464
    Cont no 83084550
    Result please?

  29. Roll no- 2120499752
    Please update my physical result

    Roll no. 512330623329
    Control No.53001687
    Centre. A,M, OXFORD PUBLIC

  31. rrc ald group d result date

  32. Pramod kumar yadav

    Roll no. 2521134896
    Please check my pet final result and document verification date

  33. 1410365290
    My Result please?

  34. What is the problem with rrcald. and kindly inform me about final cut off of group D rrc allahabad final merit and document verification date

    ROLL NO. 2521108823.

  36. What is the problem with rrcald. and kindly inform me about final cut off of group D rrc allahabad final merit and document verification date

  37. My roll no is 2120524977. Please update me my pet result.

  38. My control no. 53147301 &
    My roll no. is 2420994637
    Please update my pet result

  39. 431210325586
    dated 17-11-2013

  40. My roll no.2420908035
    Control no.55011353

  41. 102566322

  42. 1510384191

  43. ajay kumar singh

    My roll no 1110098604

  44. Roll No – 2020506330
    Control No – 51062426

  45. neethiprasad Actober 10 2014


  46. sudhi kumar
    / shiv kumar 30.04 .1991

    1. You need your roll number to get the result.

    2. sir ji mera 2013 me file list me name nahi aya kya abhi jo site bachi hai us ka koi list a sakti hai kya

  47. Ankit kumar roll no 1110069974 .conrol no 82236488


  48. 2521066692

    1. Is this roll number or control number?

    2. sir mera hand writting and thumb miss mistek h mera hoga ki nahi roll 2420924086 h sir sirf joining baki h

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