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All posts from Result 2016 GNM Examination : Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Karnataka

Organisation : Karnataka State Diploma in Nursing Examination Board
Announcement : Result
Examination : GNM Examination Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery August 2016
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Enter Register Number to get your Result

Related : KPSC Result 2016 Departmental Examination :

Fees Structure

1. Registration Fee (for New Institution / Schools) Rs. 10,000
2. Renewal Fee (for Old Institution / Schools) Rs. 5,000
3. Affiliation Fee (for 1st year GNM only) (Payment to be made at the time of submission of list of admitted candidates for approval) Number of Admissions X 200 Rupees
4. Penalty for late submission of list of admitted candidates after due date entire list X Rs.1000 Rs. 1,000 per student

5. Examination Fees :
1st Year (All Papers) Rs. 850-00 (Including ID Fee)
2nd Year (All Papers) Rs. 750-00
3rd Year (All Papers) Rs. 900-00
Failed Candidates for all Years :
For every Theory Paper and Practical Rs. 150

6. Revaluation Fee Rs. 300 per paper
7. 1. GNM Certificate (Old Syllabus) Rs. 500 per student
2. GNM Certificate (New Syllabus) Rs. 500 per student
(Inclusive of Course Completion Certificate and Internship Marks Card) Rs.300 + 100 + 100 = Rs. 500
8. Duplicate GNM Marks Card / Internship Marks Card Rs. 200 per marks card
9. Duplicate Course Completion Certificate Rs. 200 per certificate
10. Consolidated Marks Card Rs. 300 per marks card
11. Correction of GNM Certificate / Duplicate Certificate Rs. 500 per certificate
12. Migration Certificate Rs. 500 per student
13. Xerox copies of Answer booklet Rs. 500 per paper
14. Verification of GNM Certificate / Marks Card Rs. 500 per student
15. Student Identification Card Fee Rs. 100 per student
16. Nurse Faculty Identification Card Fee Rs. 100 per faculty

All the Fees should be paid in favour of the Medical Superintendent and Deputy Chairman, KSDNEB, Bangalore. by way of Demand Draft drawn in any Nationalized Bank payable at Bangalore only.


Directorate of Medical Education
Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore-560 009, Karnataka, India.
Phone : + 91-080-22870060
Fax : + 91-080-22875798
E-mail : dmekarnataka[AT]

Karnataka State Diploma In Nursing Examination Board
2nd Floor, Library Block, BMCRI Campus, Bangalore-560 002.
Phone : + 91-080-26700074
+ 91-080-26700075

Add a Comment

  2. 13dn1824 plz my results 3rd year 2016

  3. GNM 2nd year supplementry reevaluation reasult out or not ?

  4. I am divya.g of 2016 batch ineed 2nd year result

  5. Iam Sindhu from karnaraka i want 3rd year gnm nursing result 2018

  6. Mackintosh.Rebecca

    A person’s success does not depend on his wisdom, but perseverance

  7. I want my first year result.

  8. I want A 2016 Result My registration Number Is 16DN06286

  9. I need 2016 result.

  10. I need the 2015 result.

  11. I have lost my 1st year Marks card of GNM exam which was held in 2015-16. My registration number is 15dn8066.

  12. I want my 1st and 2nd year mark list. This is my code 15DN2098.

  13. I am from Telangana. I want my mark sheet of GNM 2014 of 1st year.

  14. I need the revaluation result, when will you announce?

  15. I need the result of 2016, please send me a link.

  16. I need my result of exam held in 2017. I have lost it. Please help me to get it.

  17. I need 2018 GNM result declaration date.

  18. I need the result of GNM 2016 first year.


    I need the result of GNM 2016.

    1. I have request to you that, in first year I failed in community subject then I passed in revaluation. Now, I want new mark cards.

  20. I completed my GNM course in the year 2015 from KSDNEB and I want to apply for consolidated marks card. Is it possible to apply online?

  21. Please give me the link of GNM 2016 result.

  22. Please provide the details of GNM exam 2018.


  24. I need August 2017 1st year result date.

  25. When will you declare GNM 2017 August exam result?

  26. When will GNM result declare for 2017?

  27. Vinayak Anil Naikwade

    I am from Maharashtra doing my GNM course in Ankali.
    District : Belgum
    What time is required to register the documents?

    1. When will you declare first year result 2017?

  28. When will board declare results?

    1. What is the problem to release GNM result? Really I’m gonna mad with results.

  29. When are you releasing results?

  30. When will you declare ksdneb august 2017?

  31. When will you declare GNM result?

  32. When will you declare GNM 2017 August exam result?

    1. Parashuram Pilabantar

      I need gnm nursing results time table 2018.

  33. When will you declare gnm result of 2017?

    1. What is your register number?

  34. Please provide my results.

  35. When 2017 GNM exam going to be held?

    1. You can use the below mentioned link to view the calendar :

  36. I want to know my supplementary exam result. Please help me.

  37. When revaluation result will be declared for this year?

    1. Results are declared. You can check the web site.

  38. When will 1st year G.N.M 2016 results be declared?

  39. When will my GNM course completed certificate come?

  40. Was GNM result announced today?

  41. When will the revaluation result be declared?

  42. I am waiting for august revaluation result. Please declare the result.

  43. I am waiting for 2016 august revaluation result.

  44. Please tell me when result will come of revaluation of gnm of Karnataka.

  45. When will revaluation Result of August 2016 be declared?

  46. My result is in waiting list. When will I get result?

  47. When is the GNM results of 2016?

  48. We are waiting for result.

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