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All posts from NSEE 2015 Answer Key Nagaland State Entrance Examination : NBSE

Organisation : Nagaland Board of School Education
Announcement : Answer Key
Entrance Exam : NSEE 2015 Nagaland State Entrance Examination

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The Answer Key and OMR answer sheet will be made available to the candidates for verification and lodging of challenge in case of any ambiguity.

Update :

NBSE NSEE 2017 Answer Key Nagaland State Entrance Examination :

The Answer Key will be available in the Office notice board as well as on the website on 22nd May 2015.

The photocopy of OMR answer sheet shall be issued from the office only on payment of `100/- (Rupees one hundred only) to the concerned candidates on 25th & 26th May 2015.

Candidates can also obtain their individual marks on production of their NSEE Admission Card on 25th & 26th May 2015 from the NBSE Office.

For any challenge against the answer key or evaluation of the OMR answer sheet, candidates are to submit an application to the Board on 25th & 26th May 2015 with a fee of `500/- (Rupees five hundred only) per response. The challenge fee shall be refunded if the candidate’s claim is accepted.

There is no provision for re-checking/re-evaluation of the answer sheets. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

Scoring and Marking :
Each item carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. Each question is allotted 4 (four) marks. ¼ (one fourth) marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. No deduction will be made if no response is indicated. Multiple or incorrect response will also be treated as wrong.

Rough Work :
The candidate will not do any rough work or stray marks on the Answer Sheet. All rough work is to be done in the Test Booklet itself.

Changing an Answer in not allowed :
The candidate must fully satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the answer before darkening the appropriate circle as no change in answer once marked is allowed. Use of eraser or white fluid on the OMR Answer Sheet is not permissible as the Answer Sheets are machine gradable and it may lead to wrong evaluation.

Add a Comment
  1. What is the cutoff marks for NSEE 2017? Please let me know.

  2. Is it likely to relax the cut off for MBBS this year in NSEE or not?

  3. What is the cut off mark for bsc agri?
    Kindly waiting for your reply.

  4. How many marks should I score in NSEE for b.s.c agri?

  5. What if we get 320 marks in NSEE?

  6. How to take out percentage in NBSE board? Since different board have different ways of calculating percent.

  7. What is the pass mark? Or what is the percentage?

  8. Which time will be declared Nsee result?

  9. Overall how many students will be selected?

  10. The names provided in da board starts from the highest to lowest mark. But if I find his or her name what does TD mean? Can any one help me?

  11. Qualifying marks for agri forestry?

  12. Where will we find the merit list for nsee?

  13. Opto which rank number will be taken for different branches??
    When will be the date of declaring the final result? (about getting seat in respective branches)

  14. How many students are in the merit list?

  15. Website for checking NSEE Result 2015

  16. I can’t find the NSEE result and it’s a boon that the result are not in the correct website. Help me to find the result please…

  17. 136 marks I scored. Will I be selected for nursing?

    1. Where did you find your result? You can share it here the link or source so that it will be helpful for all.

  18. Naghophukali swu

    My answer sheet is missing . Why?

  19. How can I see the total marks of NSEE?

  20. My score according to the merit list is so much lesser than the one I estimated according to the answer key. Is there anything that I can do? It’s discouraging. Seriously!

  21. Whether nsee result gonna declare today?

  22. When will the Merit List be declared?

  23. khrielie k angami

    Where can I check nsee merit list?

  24. Wongtochu S Chang

    NSEE result declared or not?

  25. mangtinhao singson

    Where can i get the list of selected candidates of NSEE 2015?

  26. Where can I check NSEE merit list?

  27. When will the result of NSEE be declared ?

    1. on nbse kma centre

  28. Bendangchujang sor

    Whether NSEE result out or not?

  29. When will the results be given out?

  30. Limhathung tungoe

    How many marks required fo Agri,Forestry?

  31. nonglenthung r . jungio

    Whether I had qualified the nsee 2015?

  32. Qualifying mark for medical?

  33. O kupvai ongli phom

    Whether the NSEE RESULT out?

  34. Ngamminlun haokip

    May I kindly know the cut off marks for MBBS course?

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