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University : Uttarakhand Ayurved University
Announcement : Download Provisional Result /Answer Key
Entrance Exam : UAPMT & UAPGMEE-2015 Uttarakhand Ayush Pre- Medical Test / Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination
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UAU Provisional Result

Download Provisional Result /Answer Key for UAPMT & UAPGMEE-2015

Related : UAU Download Provisional Score Card UAPMT & UAPGMEE 2015 :


i) Enter Roll No.
ii) Enter Name
iii) Enter Date of Birth
iv) Click on Submit Button

Result & Selection Criteria

(i) Candidates who secure a minimum of 50% marks in case of General Category and 40% marks in case of Reserved Category in the U.A.P.G.M.E.E.-2015 shall be eligible for admission to Post Graduate Ayurvedic Courses subject to availability of the seats through counseling.

(ii) In case of candidates obtaining equal marks, merit will be determined in order of preference as under :
(a) Candidates scoring less negative marks. If obtained equal marks then.
(b) Candidate obtaining higher average aggregate percentage of marks in all professional exams. If obtained equal marks then.
(c) According to age i.e. older getting preference over younger.

(iii) Merit list (combined & category wise) of eligible candidates for admission to the Post Graduate Ayurvedic courses shall be declared/published by the Coordinator (U.A.P.G.M.E.E.-2015), Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Harawala, Dehradun on website and shall be displayed at the Office of the Coordinator (U.A.P.G.M.E.E.- 2015), Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Harawala, Dehradun.

(iv) The allotment of course to the eligible candidates shall be made by the Counseling Board under chairmanship of Honorable Vice- Chancellor on personal appearance, along with all original documents as per his/her merit and choice of the course.

The date and place of counseling shall be notified through website. No intimation will be sent to the candidate by post. It will be the responsibility of the candidates to check these dates and appear for counseling and allotment of course.

The candidate will have to deposit a fee of Rs. 5000/- at the time of counseling thorough on line bank challan. All available seats in different courses shall be displayed along with its recognition status at the time of counseling.

The candidate may choose any one of the available seats according to their merit. A seat once allotted to candidate for any course shall be final.

(v) Rs. 25000/- will have to be deposited by the candidates as advanced tuition fee after allotment of seat. Candidates are allowed to appear for re-counseling only after depositing Rs. 5000/- Counseling registration fee.

Those candidates who failed to take admission after allotment of seat, his/ her advanced tuition fee will be forfeited. Those candidates who wish to withdraw admission , he/she will have to deposit entire course fee at the University. All the fee will be deposited through bank challan.

(vi) If seats remain vacant after last round of counseling than these vacant seats will be filled as follows.
(a) OBC category vacant seats will be filled by general category students.
(b) If seats of schedule caste/schedule tribe categories remains vacant than these seats will be filled by interchanging.

If further remains vacant than these seats will be filled by OBC category students and if ample number of OBC category students are not available than these seats will be filled by general category students.

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  1. I belong to general category-women. I secured 117 in UAPMT 2017-18. Will I get govt college?

    1. My state rank is 59 & All India general rank is 81. My OBC rank is 18.

  2. How many marks do I need to get to be eligible in UAPMT exam? I belong to OBC category.

  3. I belong to general category and my overall rank in UAPGMEE is 73. Can I get the seat in pPG?

  4. Can I get BAMS in government colleges? I GOT 130 category rank in SC having Uttrakhand women Quota and domicile of Uttrakhand.

  5. Can I get BAMS in government college? I GOT 130 as category rank.
    Having Uttarkhand women Quota and domicile of Uttarkhand.

  6. I need cut off list of UAPGMEE 2016 FOR OBC.

  7. I was also unable to see my rank. But now at website you are able to see you have to just type roll no mother’s name and dob.


  9. I got 122 marks and 61 obc rank and all India rank as 228. Can I get govt. College for BAMS by uapmt?

  10. I secured 73.75/100 in UAPGMEE
    My all India rank is 401 and category rank I.e Inc 129. Will I get admission in PG?


  12. I am not able to see my rank in my score card. Co can any one help me?
    Can you please tell me how to see rank because I have seen my score card but there is no rank mentioned there. My category is ST 97 marks.

    1. The rank card will be uploaded soon. Keep calm.

  13. My score card is 70 and category is SC. Can I get in admission in BAMS?

    1. Sorry you are not eligible for counseling.
      Minimum 80 marks secure to apply for counseling.

  14. What was the cut off in general category in 2015?

  15. I am a gen. Category student. I got 105 marks in uapmt. There is 5% reservation for army personals. My father is in army. Will I get college?

  16. I belong to gen category. I scored 79 marks in uapmt 2016. Will I get any govt. college?

  17. What will be my rank at 89 marks in uapmt with a subcategory woman and state domicile of Uttrakhand?

  18. I am getting 101 marks in uapmt. Will I get a college?

  19. I got 84 marks in uapmt. Can I get a government college? I am from OBC. Please tell me.

  20. My total marks are 104 and I am not able to see any rank in score card. So what I have to actually do?
    Now am I eligible for counseling?
    Is there any chance in BAMS?

    1. What was the cut off of last year?

  21. We have limited seats available for BAMS course direct admission without any donation at low package in Top Medical college of North India.Interested candidates call us at 09417142569.
    No Donation Direct Admission

  22. My rank in uapmt is 198 general category
    Will I get a college?
    When will counseling start?

  23. I got 101 marks in uapmt (gen).
    Will I get a college?

  24. My all India rank is 737 and category rank is 51. Will I get government college?

  25. I got 39 cat rank sc
    Will I get govt seat in bams?

  26. I got 105 marks
    Will I get a b.a.m.s. college in counseling?

  27. I got 95 marks in uapmt. My obc rank is 171 and all over rank is 772 & I am permanent residence in uttrakhand also. Can I get govt college in bams?

  28. I have secured 105 marks in uapmt, general candidate
    Can I get a govt college in Uttrakhand?

  29. When counseling of uapmt is starting?

  30. I got 101 In sc and all India cat 50
    My result is not showing uk rank
    Can I get college?
    Please tell me if you know answer.

  31. I got 110 marks. Should I wait for counseling?

  32. I am obc cat student . I secured 113 marks and my state cat rank is 82. Will I get govt college?

  33. akansha choudhry

    My obc category rank in uapmt is 41
    CAN I GET?

  34. I am a sc candidate and I have obtained 100 marks in uapmt. My category rank is 51. Is there any chance to get a government college?

    1. What is your uk cat rank and all India cat rank?
      I also got 101 Marks and 50 Rank in all India cat but it does not shown my uk rank

    2. Actually seat is limited. Only 20-21 for sc. So it is not possible.

    3. Yes you will get a college for sure sc cat upto 120 cat rank can get a college 19% reservation is confirmed in all colleges. There are more than 350 seats

  35. I got 4th for manipur ayush,health directorate
    I want to know the date of counseling

  36. Got 98 marks state obc rank 153
    Can I get college?

  37. I’m obc category
    My mark is 65
    Any chance to get college of BAMS or BHMS course?

  38. Please tell me when is the counseling for Uttrakhand ayush pre medical test starting?

  39. I have got 349 rank gen candidate.
    Can I get counseling details please?

  40. My cat. Rank is 152
    Can I get college?

  41. I got 133 marks and 138 rank I’m of gen category. Will I get Gurukul?

  42. I am getting 134 in uapmt and obc rank is 33.
    Which college will I get?

  43. I got 95 marks in uapmt
    Can I archive a government college?

  44. I got 130 marks gain with obc category

  45. I have secured 113 marks in uapmt
    So will I get govt. college?

  46. Yes. Because last year sc or obc seats filled by gn category number.

  47. I got 86 in uapmt (sc)
    Will I get government college?

  48. I have got 111 marks in uapmt 15-16
    Can I get admission in any college?

  49. I belong to gen category. I scored 100 marks in uapmt. Will I get any collage?

  50. sandeep chaudhary

    I got marks as 75in Uapmt
    Will I get college?
    Category obc

  51. I have scored 89 marks in uapmt. I belong to obc category. Will I get the college?

  52. Will you please give me the fee structure of any private bams college of Uttarakhand?

  53. I am getting 140 no in uapmt
    Will I get a govt college?
    84 is my state rank.

  54. I am getting 88th rank in all India in Ayush and 84th in state
    Will I get a gov. Seat ? Please reply

  55. I got 98 marks and belonging to obc category
    Is there any chance of my counseling?

  56. My roll no is 112426
    What is my result?

    1. You need your DOB also to get the score card.

  57. I am obc category. I got 66 marks
    Will I get a college?

    1. No at least 80 marks are needed in case of category and 100 for general

  58. I am M sc student and got 92marks in uapmt.. Will I get gov college?

    1. Yes you will get..
      Because I am leaving a Seat for you. I got 134 marks and my sc category rank is 3.

  59. I got 91 marks and I am sc category. I got selected for counseling or not?

  60. I got 63 marks in UAPMT. I’M FROM OBC CATEGORY. Can I get seat in government college?

  61. I belong to general category. I got 107 marks . Will I get any college?

  62. I scored 96 marks in uapmt and I am from obc category
    Will I get a govt collage?

  63. I have got 104 marks
    Is there a chance for me?

  64. jitendra singh parihar

    I got 63 marks in uapmt and I am from general category. So will I be selected for counseling?

  65. I have secured 95 marks in uapmt & belong to sc girls. Then how much rank I have secured as in category & in general?

  66. I have got 60 marks in uapmt.
    Category is obc and external. Will I get admission in medical college?

  67. I belong to sc category. I secured 58 marks in uapmt
    Can I get any college?


  69. I’ve secured 120 marks in uapmt…
    Is there any chance of getting a good college? I belong to Gen category. Please reply

  70. priyanka gariyal

    I am SC category student. I got 46 marks in uapmt. Will I get a govt college?

  71. jitendra Singh dobal

    Roll number : 113933
    Result please?

  72. I am sc category and I got 71 marks in uapmt. Will I be selected for counseling?

  73. I am getting 127 marks in general category
    Will I get Gurukul or Rishikul?
    Please upload merit list soon or else at least tell me the date

    1. I could not find previous year cut off anywhere. I too belong to gen cat. I wanted to ask as did you get selected last year?

  74. I got 70 mrks in uapmt exam. I belong to general category. So will I be select for counseling ?

    1. General category requires 50% marks to qualify. I’m myself doubtful regarding the admission in uapmt. I have scored 85 marks and do belong to gen category. Please reply if you get any info please?

  75. I am a st category student. I secured 69 marks in uapmt
    Will I get a govt. college?

  76. I am obc candidate and scoring 74 marks in uapmt. Will I get any college?

  77. sandhya pokhriyal

    I have got 69 marks. Will I get any college?

  78. I got 57 marks in uapmt and I am from general category. So will I be selected for counseling?

  79. Got 93 marks an obc. Can I get Himalayan college?

  80. I have got 103 marks in uapmt. Am I eligible to get a govt college?

  81. I belong to general category and I scored 129. What are the chances of getting govt college?

  82. How many government colleges are there in uttarakhand?

  83. I scored 122 marks in uapmt. Is there any chance of government College? I have Uttarakhand domicile.

  84. I secured 60 marks in uapmt and a category student (SC)
    Will I get a college?

  85. I got 68 mark in uapmt test from obc category
    Will I get a college?

  86. When will you upload the merit list of uapmt exam? I got 97 marks. Is there any chance of getting admission in govt college?

  87. shantam pokhriyal

    I have got 99 marks in uapmt. Will I get government college? I am from general category.

  88. I am ST candidate and getting 111 marks. Will I get the college?

  89. I got 59 marks in uapmt gen cat from up
    Will I get college?

  90. I got 122 marks in uapmt from general category. Is there any chance of government College?

  91. I got 63 marks in uapmt in general category. Will I get gov college?

  92. I am a sc category student getting 82 marks in uapmt. Will I get government college?

  93. I’ve got 66 marks (Gen). Is there any chance for me ?

  94. I am obc category student. I secured 61 marks in uapmt. Any chance to get govt college?

  95. I got 85 marks in uapmt. Will I get a college? obc candidate

  96. Dharmendra singh

    I am a st category student. I secured 69 marks in uapmt

  97. I am getting 62 marks in UAPMT belonging to OBC category. Is there any chance?

  98. I have got 82 in uapmt. Is there any chance of govt college? I am a sc candidate.

  99. I have got 79 marks in entrance exam and I have a domicile of Uttrakhand also. Will I get a college?

  100. I have got 122 in uapmt. Do I have a chance to get any college?

  101. I got 109 marks in UA-PMT IN GENERAL CATEGORY
    Am I eligible for govt college?

  102. I am a general category student. I secured 76 marks in uapmt. Am I qualified or not? Will I get a govt college?

  103. I got 76 marks in uapmt exam .
    Will I get a government college?
    I am a general category student.

  104. I got 76 marks in uapmt exam and I am a general category student .
    Will I get a government college?

  105. I am gen category
    I secured 128 marks

    1. Yes,yes, you will surely get govt college and congrats you are the topper of uapmt

  106. I am a general category candidate,
    I got 73 marks in uapmt. Is there any chance of getting a government college?

  107. When will the merit list of uapmt come?
    What is the minimum marks required for it?

  108. I am sc category. I got 65 Marks in Uapmt. Will I get college? Please reply me

  109. I am sc category Student. I got 65 marks. Will I get college? Please reply me.

  110. I got 116 marks in sc cat. Will I get government college?

  111. I CLEAR STD 12 from Gujarat with 81 and gujcet 81. I am interested to join in patanjali Iam waiting for aipmt result.

  112. I am sc category and I scored 87 marks in uapmt
    Can I get any govt. College?

  113. I belong to Himachal Pradesh in sc category
    I got 58 marks in uapmt
    Should I get admission in Patanjali college?

  114. I’m a general boy and I have a permanent domicile of Uttrakhand. I got 74 marks. Will I get a govt college?

  115. I got 108 marks
    Which college will I get?

  116. I am a general student n also have a permanent domicile of uttrakhand. I got 74 marks. Will I get a govt college? My d.o.b is -22/03/1996 a

  117. I got 62 marks in uapmt exam.
    Will I get college?

  118. I scored 71 marks in uapmt. I am from uk and I have domicile also. I am frm obc category. Can I get a govt. college?

  119. I got 63 marks in uapmt. Will I get a govt college? I am in general category

  120. Scoring 83 marks in UAPMT and being a SC category candidate can provide a college to me?

  121. I scored 83 marks in uapmt and i m a SC candidate. Will I get a college?

  122. I am in general category.
    I got 58 maks in uapmt.

    Is there is any chance?

  123. I am a general category. I got 58 marks.
    Will I get a college?

  124. I secured 135 marks in aupmt. Can I get govt college?

  125. I am general category student. I secured 90 marks in uapmt. Will I get a college?

  126. I got marks as 63 in UApmt
    Will I get college?
    Category obc

  127. pratibha chowdhary

    I have got 97 in uapmt. Will I go to study in patanjali ayurveda university?

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